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Alhamdulillah, ich habe gleich nach meinem ersten Match geheiratet. Ihre Idee und Vision sind 10/10. Darüber hinaus bitte ich Allah, viel Barakah in deine Arbeit zu stecken und dir das Paradies zu gewähren.


Ich möchte sagen, dass das, was Sie geschaffen haben, wirklich ein Segen ist, Alhamdulillah. Möge Allah Ihre Arbeit und Ihre Bemühungen am Tag des Jüngsten Gerichts als gute Taten anerkennen. Und für jede Unterhaltung zu einer Halal-Ehe, die Sie geschaffen haben, bitte ich Allah, dass Sie dafür belohnt werden.


Through Nia2Match I have met my husband in one the day of registration so I'm definitely positive about you alhamdulillah.

Sister M.

mashAllah! you guys are so solid though serious muslimien! We certainly need that as we are minority. May Allah Guide and strengthen you Ameen!


I am very pleased with the site and the control of it. May Allah reward you for helping Muslims to a marriage partner.


May Allah reward you for your efforts.


I'm not the type who goes out or something in that style. So when I saw this site it spoke to me on a good Islamic way to get in touch with a possible future partner.


Strong point is that people who do not have a positive intention will not find it easy to become member of nia2match. There are well-thought off thresholds which take care of that.


The convenience, ease of use I find good.


I'm normally hesitant to put something personal on the internet. What I find good of your site is that you have an encryption/secure Web site and that my data and photo are not visible without my permission to 1 person. That you are signed in with authority of protection and that you cooperate with mosques/scholars. This all has convinced me that you are doing well. Keep up the good work. May Allah (swt) help you.
